Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The "What's For Dinner?" Solution by Kathi Lapp, Day 2

Project 2: LOOP Meal (Left Overs On Purpose)
In our house, Sunday is leftovers night. Mom will make extra on one or two meals and we can pick from those leftovers for Sunday night, so mom doesn’t have to cook, and we can eat quickly after getting home from church in the evening. Dinner can be ready in 5-10 minutes after walking in the door from church in the evening.
Also, Mom will sometimes cook a large roast in the crock pot, or cook up a big turkey or ham and we can use that for one meal the day it is cooked, and then use it to make several other meals before it goes bad. For instance, when mom cooks a big ham, we might have ham and mashed potatoes for dinner than night, then have a ham and pineapple pizza a few nights later. If she cooks a big turkey, we will have turkey and stuffing the first night, then turkey stuffing casserole or Turkey ala king on later nights.
Here are some of Kathi Lapp’s favorite ways to use Left Overs On Purpose for chicken.
What are some of your favorite ways to use leftovers? Do you tend to make extra food one night and eat that a second night? Do you make extra meat one night and use half for that meal, and half to make a completely new meal? Or do you hate leftovers all together?

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