Saturday, July 2, 2011

God's Love Letters To You by Dr. Larry Crabb

Dr. Crabb’s book is a devotional based on his previous book, 66 Love Letters. He takes 40 of the books of the Bible and writes a letter of what God would say to the reader based on that book. Each day is very short and can be quickly read. Crabb tries to share how and how much God loves His children.
This book was a disappointment for me. I was expecting it to be more of a letter taken straight out of Scripture using and referencing Scripture. However, it seriously failed all of my expectations. Each day had one verse on the title page for each day, but then rarely mentioned Scripture in the next two pages for each day. I had hoped to see the book filled with Scriptures both quoted and referenced, even it if was just in footnotes or endnotes. I know this was not meant to be an in-depth Bible study, but I believe any good devotional should point back to the Bible. For someone who is not a believer, it can be an opportunity to begin looking into the truths of the Bible. And for believers, it can be an opportunity to both dig deeper and to see God for who he really is. While this book may appeal to a romantic, it certainly is not a book for those who are more intellectually or academically minded.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from BookSneeze®.

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