Monday, September 20, 2010

25 in 25

  1. Grow Closer to God
  2. Learn sign language
  3. Find a full time job
  4. Read a non-fiction book a month
    1. August: Choosing to SEE by Mary Beth Chapman
    2. September: 48 Days to the Work You Love
  5. Write some devotionals
  6. Lead a small group
  7. Visit a castle
  8. Go on a mission trip
  9. Go on a date
  10. Pay off one of my loans
  11. Get on track with a budget
  12. Get my first apartment
  13. Buy a car
  14. Get health insurance
  15. Finish my “Legacy Drawer”
  16. Finish Philippines Journal
  17. Get recipes in order
  18. Write devotionals
  19. Work on OT Curriculum
  20. Work on NT Curriculum
  21. Put Scripture together with my photos
  22. Make at least three collage frames with the Scripture/verses
  23. Finish reading all of Tracie Peterson’s books
  24. Put together a dream book of things I want to do (aka Bucket List)
  25. Make a list of habits I want to start and make a plan to start them
    1. Monday Meaderings, 25 in 25, spiritual growth, etc
Now as a disclaimer, I started this a few weeks ago, nearly halfway through my 25th year of life. So, since I don't have the full 12 months, I don't expect to get everything done. However, I would consider this to be a success if I accomplished at least 10 things on this list before my birthday. :-) Here's to making dreams become a reality.

1 comment:

Speli said...

Wow, you inspired me. I may have to work on a 50 by 50 list in time for my 50th birthday in March.