Thursday, March 3, 2011

26 in 26

Happy Birthday to me. It's not even 8 am and I've had birthday wishes from around the world! The Philippines, Germany, Hungary, Nigeria, Poland, and of course the USA.

I started thinking about this list at the beginning of the year and finished it this morning. Here's is my 26 in 26, or my list of goals to try to accomplish while I'm 26.

26 in 26
  1. Grow closer to God
  2. Work on learning sign language and find opportunities to practice it.
  3. Find a full time job
  4. Get on track with a working budget
  5. Pay extra on my loans (ideally at least equivalent to 13 payments a year, hopefully more)
  6. Move out on my own, hopefully with a roommate.
  7. Buy a car
  8. Get health insurance
  9. Read a ministry minded book a month
  10. Read a fun book a month (fiction, classics, etc)
  11. Publish some of my writings
  12. Go on a mission trip
  13. Begin learning to play the piano
  14. Sell some of my photographs
  15. Write a book of curriculum (Marty the Miner)
  16. Buy and learn Adobe Photoshop
  17. Pick out at least one new recipe a week (or month if have limited access to a kitchen) to try
  18. Go to a local play (community or local school)
  19. Listen to podcasts regularly
  20. Learn to decorate cakes
  21. Visit a castle
  22. Paint something
  23. Go on a road trip
  24. Scrapbook (or make digital books)
  25. Do something spontaneous once a month
  26. Put together a list of resources for the various age groups/ministries as well as activities and ideas for various occasions.

Number 14 actually has been sort of accomplished already. I'd like to continue with it, but i was just notified two days ago that a photo I submitted to CAMP-of-the-WOODS' marketing department was chosen to be made into a postcard and sold in the bookstore this summer. They were wanting to update their postcards and asked for submissions from the staff and campers. 

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